"Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is." - Will Rogers

Monday, March 17, 2014

Bring the Senegalese Heat

As the obtrusive heat rolls back in
and greedy

And the dirt clings to our sweaty bodies
creating an unshakable bodysuit of filth

I try to digest the why
Why has this pilgrimage left an everlasting impression on my soul?

and Earth.

These People--
So distinctly different from me,
Yet they are mine.
The overwhelming gratification of being included in something so beautifully foreign.

This land--
Rich with ancient history.
Bold and destructive.

Deep and powerful,
of which I have only brushed the surface.


Holding my radiant mini-me.

Cool and collected despite the temperature - Baatoohooma and Mariatou

Aunt and niece - I love how relationship structures are so different here. You may be older than your uncle and raised by your cousin. But no matter what there is an easy familiarity between generations.

Isa, child number 3, holding Mane, child number 6.



Futbol with the local boys - a daily occurrence.

Eating "tangalos" or hard candies - the best!

It is pretty wild that I'be been living in Senegal now for 1.5 years. Trippy to think about. But seriously awesome. Send me a letter - -

Lauren Thomas, PCV
B.P. 320
Tambacounda, Senegal
West Africa